Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where I've been...

This is the kind of art I've been doing... realistic pastels, mostly plein air, water and rocks or meadow scenes. I'm feeling like I'm tired of the pastels and I'd like to return to the abstracts. Funny though... I teach students that when we look at art we use the form to understand the content. And here I am, wanting a change and not knowing what it is I want to communicate with it. But maybe I should do less thinking and more doing.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Loving what you do...

Do you love the art you make? I often wonder what the trick is to loving what you do. I find myself being my very biggest critic... along with my husband. For someone who was actually educated in art I have to say that I have no sense of loving what I do. Instead, I usually hate my own work. Am I alone? And how do I change that? How do I find that playfulness that my friend has who seems to love what she does?


Welcome to my studio in a box... I used to have an entire room for my studio. It was tucked away below the rest of my house with a garden entrance. We moved this summer and so now my studio space is a tiny little box of a closet. I'm hoping that the trinkets inside will give me inspiration.