Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where I've been...

This is the kind of art I've been doing... realistic pastels, mostly plein air, water and rocks or meadow scenes. I'm feeling like I'm tired of the pastels and I'd like to return to the abstracts. Funny though... I teach students that when we look at art we use the form to understand the content. And here I am, wanting a change and not knowing what it is I want to communicate with it. But maybe I should do less thinking and more doing.


mARTa said...

I remember a day years ago when we went on a photo shoot at Sand Harbor. Is this painting from one of those photo references? It's nice to see your art again!

sierraartprof said...

I don't remember if this one was at Sand Harbor but I do remember scuba divers emerging from the lake in April.

sandy said...

OH, love the colors in this.


sandy said...

Hi...back again just checking for updates. ....hope you had a great holiday.


p.s..thanks for your visit to my blog.

Susan's Scribbles said...

This is a lovely, lovely painting.